Swap Shop

Subscription Options

Free Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Maximum number of unattached items 2 10 20 50
Maximum number of swaps 1 2 10 20
Time limit for visibility of swaps in days 1 2 7 28
Maximum number of swaps in swap list 2 5 10 20
Maximum number of items per swap 2 2 5 10
Maximum messages per day 1 5 10 20
Subscription fee - daily Free 10 Baht 20 Baht 50 Baht
Subscription fee - weekly Free 50 Baht 100 Baht 200 Baht
Subscription fee - monthly Free 150 Baht 300 Baht 600 Baht
Subscription fee - yearly Free 2,000 Baht 4,000 Baht 5,000 Baht